basic concepts

Topic Covered In This section:

  1. Display Output Arrow Icon
  2. Declaration of Variables Arrow Icon
  3. Data Type Arrow Icon
  4. Operators Arrow Icon
  5. Type Conversion and Coercion Arrow Icon

1. Display Output

1. Display Output

In JavaScript, there are several ways to display output. Below are the most common methods along with explanations:

2. Declaration of Variables

2. Declaration of Variables

Variables in JavaScript are like containers that store data values. They allow you to name and hold information that you can use and manipulate throughout your code. You can think of a variable as a label for a value, which makes it easier to work with. In JavaScript, there are three main ways to declare variables: var, let, and const.

3. Data Types

3. Data Types

Variables can store different types of data, including Primitive data types and Reference data types.

a. Primitive Data Types:

A data type that holds a single, simple value directly in memory, such as a String, Number,Boolean ,Null ,Undefined ,Symbol ,BigInt . Each primitive value is independent, so changes to one do not affect others.

b. Reference Data Types:

These are more complex data types that store collections or objects. Instead of storing the actual value, they store a reference (or address) to where the data is located in memory, allowing the original data to be modified. Examples include Object, Array, and Function.

4. Operators

4. Operators

JavaScript operators are special symbols used in scripts to perform operations on operands, such as arithmetic calculations, logical comparisons, or value assignments. It plays a crucial role in controlling the flow and processing of data within the language. The operators are Arithmetic Operators, Assignment Operators, Comparison Operators and Logical Operators

5. Type Conversion and Coercion

5. Type Conversion and Coercion

In JavaScript, type conversion refers to the process of converting one data type into another. Coercion, on the other hand, is the automatic conversion that occurs when performing operations between different types. Here’s a breakdown of both concepts with examples:

  • JavaScript Topics