Basic Queries
1. Display snum, sname, city, and comm of all salespeople.
Select snum, sname, city, comm from salespeople;
2. Display all snum without duplicates from all orders.
Select distinct snum from orders;
3. Display names and commissions of all salespeople in London.
Select sname, comm from salespeople where city = 'London';
4. All customers with a rating of 100.
Select cname from cust where rating = 100;
5. Produce orderno, amount and date from all rows in the order table.
Select ordno, amt, odate from orders;
6. All customers in San Jose, who have a rating more than 200.
Select * from cust where city = 'San Jose' and rating > 200;
7. First customer in alphabetical order whose name begins with G.
Select min(cname) from cust where cname like 'G%';
8. Get the output like "For dd/mm/yy there are_orders."
Select 'For ' || to_char(odate, 'dd/mm/yy') || ' there are ' || count(*) || ' Orders' from orders group by odate;
9. Assume that each salesperson has a 12% commission. Produce order no., salesperson no., and amount of salesperson’s commission for that order.
Select onum, snum, amt, amt * 0.12 from orders order by snum;
10. Find highest rating in each city. Put the output in this form: For the city (city), the highest rating is : (rating).
Select 'For the city (' || city || '), the highest rating is : (' || max(rating) || ')' from cust group by city;
11. Display the totals of orders for each day and place the results in descending order.
Select odate, count(onum) from orders group by odate order by count(onum) desc;
12. All combinations of salespeople and customers who shared a city.
Select sname, cname from salespeople, cust where =;
13. Name of all customers matched with the salespeople serving them.
Select cname, sname from cust, salespeople where cust.snum = salespeople.snum;
14. List each order number followed by the name of the customer who made the order.
Select onum, cname from orders, cust where orders.cnum = cust.cnum;
15. Names of salesperson and customer for each order after the order number.
Select onum, sname, cname from orders, cust, salespeople where orders.cnum = cust.cnum and orders.snum = salespeople.snum;
16. Produce all customers serviced by salespeople with a commission above 12%.
Select cname, sname, comm from cust, salespeople where comm > 0.12 and cust.snum = salespeople.snum;
17. Calculate the amount of the salesperson’s commission on each order with a rating above 100.
Select sname, amt * comm from orders, cust, salespeople where rating > 100 and salespeople.snum = cust.snum and salespeople.snum = orders.snum and cust.cnum = orders.cnum;
18. Find all pairs of customers having the same rating.
Select a.cname, b.cname from cust a, cust b where a.rating = b.rating and a.cnum != b.cnum;
19. Policy is to assign three salespersons to each customer. Display all such combinations.
Select a.cname, b.cname from cust a, cust b where a.rating = b.rating and a.cnum != b.cnum and a.cnum < b.cnum;
20. Display all customers located in cities where salesperson Serres has customers.
Select cname, sname from salespeople, cust where sname in (select sname from salespeople where rownum <= 3) order by cname;
21. Find all pairs of customers served by a single salesperson.
Select cname from cust where city = (select city from cust, salespeople where cust.snum = salespeople.snum and sname = 'Serres'); Select cname from cust where city in (select city from cust, orders where cust.cnum = orders.cnum and orders.snum in (select snum from salespeople where sname = 'Serres'));
22. All orders that are greater than the average for Oct 4.
Select * from orders where amt > (select avg(amt) from orders where odate = '03-OCT-94');
23. Find average commission of salespeople in London.
Select avg(comm) from salespeople where city = 'London';
24. Find all orders attributed to salespeople servicing customers in London.
Select snum, cnum from orders where cnum in (select cnum from cust where city = 'London');
25. Extract commissions of all salespeople servicing customers in London.
Select comm from salespeople where snum in (select snum from cust where city = 'London');
26. Find all customers whose cnum is 1000 above the snum of Serres.
Select cnum, cname from cust where cnum > (select snum + 1000 from salespeople where sname = 'Serres');
27. Count the customers with rating above San Jose’s average.
Select cnum, rating from cust where rating > (select avg(rating) from cust where city = 'San Jose');